Tony Reeves

0333 344 5012
Anthony Reeves is a Consultant Chartered Legal Executive. Since qualifying in 2005, he has handled a large range of legal disputes including:
- contractual disputes
- commercial debt recovery
- property disputes (boundary disputes, rights of way disputes, adverse possession claims)
Anthony is known for providing advice in an understandable form and in a timely manner.
Notable cases:
- Acting for home owner in a dispute over the extent of a right of way and whether it was being substantially interfered with. The case was successfully resolved in favour of his client.
- Acting for lender seeking to enforce a charge against commercial premises owned by the guarantor. The lender was successful after a 5-day trial. The case concerned an allegedly defective guarantor deed. The Appeal went to the High Court and the lender succeeded and later recovered their money.
- Acting for Leaseholder who wanted to dig down to expand the basement and argued the soil beneath the basement was not owned by the Freeholder. The Court had to consider the construction of the lease itself and also the application of an ancient legal maxim familiar to law students “cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos”. This can loosely be translated to mean that the ownership of the surface includes all the airspace above it ‘up to the sky’ and all the sub-soil beneath it ‘down to the centre of the earth’.
- Successfully defending a claim by a business selling agent by arguing that the contract had not come into existence because of the agents’ failure to comply with Money Laundering Regulations.
Other cases:
- Acting for 10 claimants in a claim against a financial adviser who made a negligent mis-statement in respect of a property investment overseas.
He is the author of several law books for the lay person, including “See You In Court!”, Give Me Your Money!” and “Civil Justice After COVID”.
Outside of work, Anthony enjoys walking his Jack Russell dog and cricket.