Will Claims under the Inheritance Act 1975

Do you think that you have been unfairly left out of a Will or have not inherited as much as you should have?

Have you been left out of a Will and have heard about making a claim under the Inheritance Act 1975?

It is sadly common that a Will does not provide a fair distribution of assets after someone has died. Complex factors can come into play when someone is making a Will which may result in unfairness. This can be unintentional on the part of the deceased person. Examples are that the Will was made a long time ago and does not now take into account recent changes such as the cost of living or that the person was elderly and, as such, may not have taken everything into consideration. Sometimes the Will maker has been pressurised into making their Will in a certain way, leaving a close relative out of inheriting.

Are you someone who has suffered this kind of unfairness?

For decades we have been helping people to achieve what is rightfully theirs from an estate and supporting them through the legal maze. This is done through using the Inheritance Act 1975 (or to give it its full title the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975). It allows someone to inherit from a Will or to increase their share. In effect, it rewrites the Will of the deceased person and so just because the Will says you inherit nothing or only inherit a certain amount that is not the end of things.

Crucially, apart from rare exceptions, you have to apply within 6 months of the date of the Grant of Probate or Grant of Representation. Importantly this does not just mean writing a letter of claim to the Executor of the Will – you must actually issue Court proceedings. So do not delay.

If you are in any doubt about this time limit we urge you to call us as soon as possible on 0333 344 5012.

People we have helped

Asian wife left out of Will

Our client and her husband had come penniless to this country many decades before from India. Together they had built up a very successful multi-million pound retailing business. Our client had always worked in the business until she and her husband retired and their sons took it over. All assets were in the husband’s name. On her husband’s death the business and all other assets were left to the sons. Our client and her daughters were left nothing and were reliant on handouts from the brothers. Successful redistribution through mediation of the husband’s large estate.

Secret lover left out of Will

Mrs G had been in a relationship with a married man for over 20 years. He had financially supported her by putting down a deposit on her house, buying her a car and paying for holidays. On his unexpected death our client received nothing under the Will. We successfully obtained for her a substantial share of the estate.

Separated wife who hadn’t had a divorce settlement

Our client had separated from her wealthy husband many years previously but they had never divorced. On his death we obtained an over £1m settlement from the estate.

Money left to charity leaving wife penniless

Our client and her husband who had no children had decided they would both leave everything to animal charities with the first to die leaving a portion to the charities and then on the death of the other the remainder. The Wills were made many years previously. In the meantime the couple’s finances changed substantially for the worse and on the husband’s death our client was left almost penniless. We obtained an adjustment to give our client a comfortable retirement with the animal charities to inherit on her death.

What our happy clients say about us:

  • Excellent service” – Mr H
  • Thank you for all your hardwork I can’t believe everything is now over – Mrs L
  • Thank you for managing to achieve such a favourable outcome, which was much better than I anticipated. Your hard work is very much appreciated – Mrs H

Make A Free Enquiry Now!

For further information on how we can help you call our Managing Partner, Hugh Davey on 0333 344 5012 or out of office hours on 07914 897137. Or view our enquiries page.